DSU faculty, students to present research at international conference
April 8, 2016Dixie State’s NiRD Lab accepted to present at Annual Congress of the World Association of Infant Mental Health ST. GEORGE, Utah, April 8, 2016 — Dixie State University psychology and biology students and graduates are heading for Prague, Czech Republic,…
Dixie State University honors individuals, organizations with community engagement awards
April 7, 2016In collaboration with Utah Campus Compact, Dixie State University granted six individuals and two organizations community engagement awards in a ceremony Wednesday morning to thank them for promoting a culture of giving through community service. The community engagement awards…
Dixie Forum to present lecture on alternative fuels
April 5, 2016Running vehicles on methane from cow manure or soybeans and other crops may sound a bit futuristic, but Dr. Cliff Ricketts is currently having success with such alternative fuels. Learn more about these fuels when Ricketts presents at the next…
Dixie State University and University of Utah meet to advance Physician Assistant Program
March 30, 2016Legislature provides $1.5 million for DSU-U of U partnership After receiving an ongoing $1.5 million appropriation from the Utah State Legislature, Dixie State University welcomed faculty from the University of Utah School of Medicine to the Russell C. Taylor Health…
Dixie State University and University of Utah receive $1.5 million for partnership program
March 29, 2016Dixie State University and the University of Utah School of Medicine are delving deeper in plans to create a new Physician Assistant Program in St. George after receiving an ongoing $1.5 million allocation for partnership programs during Utah’s 2016 legislative…
Dixie Forum to provide update on Dixie State University Computer Crime Institute
March 29, 2016Known nationwide for developing techniques that rival those of CSI Miami, Fringe Division, the Dixie State University Computer Crime Institute will be the subject of the next installment in DSU’s weekly lecture series “Dixie Forum: A Window on the World.”…
Mayor Pike to present at President’s Colleagues of Dixie State University meeting
March 28, 2016Dixie State University will host St. George City Mayor Jon Pike as he presents “What is St. George?” at the next President’s Colleagues of DSU meeting. During his presentation, Pike will discuss what St. George means to him, give an update…
Dixie State University’s Criminal Justice Program to host murder-mystery event
March 23, 2016Dixie State University’s Criminal Justice Program needs your help to solve a murder — a hypothetical one, that is — during its Masticate, Mystery, Murder event. The event is set to take place from 6 to 9 p.m. on Thursday,…
Dixie State University presents unique brass quintet at Dixie Forum, Celebrity Concert Series
January 20, 2016Don't miss the opportunity to listen to the bold new generation of brass entertainment when Dixie State University hosts Presidio Brass as part of its weekly lecture series "Dixie Forum: A Window on the World." At the forum, Presidio Brass…
DSU Dental Hygiene Program to Hold Free Sealant Event
November 7, 2015Monday, November 3rd, 2014 Dixie State University's Dental Hygiene program will hold a special "Sealant Saturday" community service event this Saturday, November 8, from 9 a.m.-12 noon, at the Dr. Mervyn and Sue Cox Dental Hygiene Clinic. The clinic is…