
Dixie State University hosts 30th annual Sears Dixie Invitational Art Show & Sale

Dixie State University’s 30th Annual Robert N. & Peggy Sears Dixie Invitational Art Show & Sale, recognized as one of the biggest art events in the state of Utah, kicks off with a triad of activities on Feb. 17. The…

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Dixie Forum to host presentation on charismatic leadership in politics

Dr. Jeremy Young, assistant professor of history at Dixie State University, will present on the emergence of charismatic leadership in American politics in the next installment of DSU’s weekly lecture series Dixie Forum. Young’s presentation “Presidential Leadership in the Age…

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Trailblazers Competition Dance Team places first at West Coast Championship

The Dixie State University Trailblazers Competition Dance Team made an impressive debut into the collegiate dance scene when it earned first- and second-place trophies at the Universal Dance Association’s West Coast Championship. Established at the beginning of the 2015-16 academic…

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Accounting students offer free income tax preparation

Starting Tuesday, Feb. 7, Dixie State University accounting students will offer community members free income tax preparation services. Sponsored by the IRS’ Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program and the Five-County Association of Governments, the program is designed to assist low-…

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Swati Dlamini Mandela to speak on campus

In commemoration of Black History Month, Swati Dlamini Mandela, granddaughter of Nelson and Winnie Mandela, will deliver a keynote address on the Dixie State University campus about her family’s legacy in building a sense of community in post-apartheid South Africa.…

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Dixie Forum to examine link between birdsong, advances in neuroscience

Dr. Sylvia Torti, dean of the Honors College at the University of Utah, will present on how studying birds has benefited neuroscientific development as part of Dixie State University’s weekly lecture series Dixie Forum. Torti’s presentation, “Language and Love in…

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Retired Black & Decker CEO Nolan Archibald to present at Dixie State University

Dixie State University alumnus and retired Black & Decker Corporation CEO Nolan Archibald is scheduled to present at his alma mater about the time he spent at Dixie College and offer insight into the world of business. The presentation will…

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Dixie Hispanic Student Association to screen film about undocumented students

As a fundraiser for scholarships for undocumented students, the Dixie Hispanic Student Association will host a screening of the film “Papers,” the story of undocumented youth and the challenges they face as they turn 18 without legal status. According to…

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President’s Colleagues to discuss the evolving nature of higher education

Discussing the importance of changing the way institutions of higher education approach the educational process, Dr. Hugh M. Cannon will present at the next President’s Colleagues of Dixie State University meeting. Cannon, the emeritus Adcraft/Simons-Michelson Professor of Marketing at Wayne…

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Dixie Forum to present lecture on lizards of Washington County

Dixie State University’s Dixie Forum lecture series offers residents and students a chance to learn about the lizards of Washington County and their influence on research. Geoff Smith, a doctoral candidate at Utah State University, will share his research that…

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