Dixie Forum to host presentation on scientific advancements in agriculture
January 16, 2018Dixie State University’s weekly lecture series Dixie Forum: A Window on the World will host a presentation on how genetically modified organisms are created, regulated and help farmers grow more while conserving natural resources. This installment of Dixie Forum will…
Dixie’s Got Talent Finale to showcase local talent, raise funds for DSU scholarships
January 9, 2018In the culmination of a tight competition among a variety of Washington County performers, the Dixie’s Got Talent 2018 Finale, hosted by the Dixie State University Alumni Association, promises to be an entertaining evening of raising funds for DSU scholarships.…
Dixie Forum to host Fulbright Scholar’s presentation on yearlong China travels
January 9, 2018For its first installment of the Spring 2018 semester, Dixie State University’s weekly lecture series Dixie Forum: A Window on the World will host a Fulbright Scholar as he shares about his yearlong experience of traveling through China. David Sullivan,…
Dixie State University to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with lecture series
January 8, 2018In commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Dixie State University is honoring the legacy of Dr. King with a set of keynote addresses. Hosted by the Office of DSU’s Chief Diversity Officer, the university’s annual Martin Luther King Jr.…
President’s Colleagues to discuss Navajo weaving
January 2, 2018For the first meeting of the Spring 2018 semester, President’s Colleagues of Dixie State University will host John Rich Jr., owner of Jacob Lake Resort, in a presentation on the history of the Navajo tradition of weaving. Rich will present…
Dixie State University to host Southern Utah Climate Discussions
November 30, 2017The Dixie State University Sustainability Club is teaming up with the institution’s Biology and Physical Science departments to sponsor an educational forum on clean air and climate solutions. Southern Utah Climate Discussions will be held at noon on Dec. 7…
DSU chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America to raise funds for animal welfare
November 28, 2017Dixie State University’s chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America is supporting the welfare of animals during this season of giving and invites the community to join them. The chapter is hosting its Santa Paws fundraiser, geared toward…
Dixie Forum to end semester with presentation on spider silk research
November 22, 2017In the last edition of Dixie State University’s weekly lecture series Dixie Forum: A Window on the World for the Fall 2017 semester, a Utah State University USTAR professor of biology will present on innovative uses for spider silk proteins.…
English Department to host poetry reading by award-winning writer
November 21, 2017As part of its Visiting Writers Program, Dixie State University's English Department is hosting a poetry reading featuring nationally recognized, award-winning poet Kimberly Johnson. Johnson, a professor of English at Brigham Young University, will read from her three collections of…
President’s Colleagues to host economics lecture
November 21, 2017The President’s Colleagues of Dixie State University will host Dr. Larry Wimmer in a presentation on the science of economics. Wimmer will present “The Dismal Science Revisited: What Economists ‘Think’ They Know and are Sure They Don’t Know” at noon…