Dixie State University Community Education to host community seminar on negotiating
Dixie State University Community Education to host community seminar on negotiating
Teaching basic negotiation principles, Dixie State University Community Education is offering the two-day, interactive workshop Negotiating for Better Outcomes.

Taught by Randall L. Englund, the workshop is set to take place on June 15 and 22 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day in Dixie State’s North Plaza, Room 138. Registration for the course, which includes lunch, is $199 for both days prior to June 10 or $249 thereafter.
“I first took a negotiating course over 30 years ago, and it changed my life,” Englund said. “It can do the same for you. Effective negotiations are vital to all transactions for the rest of your career and life.”
Using case studies, video clips, practice sessions and examples, Englund will teach participants from all skill levels, jobs, organizations and industries how to use power, information, timing and approach in business negotiations to ensure a productive process.
Englund is an independent management executive consultant, author, trainer, speaker, seminar leader and professional facilitator. He earned a Master of Business Administration in Management from San Francisco State University and has attended strategy and project management seminar programs at Stanford University. Additionally, he is the co-author of best-selling business management books “Creating an Environment for Successful Projects,” “Creating the Project Office” and “Project Sponsorship.”
Dixie State University Community Education offers a wide range of courses each summer and throughout the academic year. To register for Negotiating for Better Outcomes or to learn more about the workshop and other available courses, visit ce.utahtech.edu.