Register today for Business of Art
Register today for Business of Art

Friday, September 4th, 2015
Registration is now open for the Business of Art seminar, and artists won't want to miss this event that is filling up quickly.
Business of Art, held annually in Kanab, teaches visual artists from all over the region how to create successful art businesses. Developed and sponsored by the Dixie State University Cultural Arts Department, the community outreach program is hosted in collaboration with The Center for Education, Business and the Arts, a regional economic development organization in Kane County.
The seminar is set to take place Nov. 13 and 14 with a special preconference workshop to precede the conference from Nov. 11 to 13. All sessions are held at Kanab Middle School, 690 South Cowboy Way. Lodging information, a map and more information are available on Facebook at
Debbie Bice, a professional photographer, will be the instructor at this year's preconference workshop. She will teach attendees how to use light to create emotional impact in photography. The class is offered at a reduced rate of $100, thanks to a grant from Zion National Bank. To register, call 435-319-9666.
Business of Art officially kicks off Nov. 13 at 6:30 p.m. Birget McMullen will present the evening's keynote address, "Art is Personal: My Journey in Art While Keeping Creativity Alive." Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to view the Showcase Exhibit, enjoy live background music, meet presenters and network all while enjoying a dessert reception.
The following morning, the fun and learning resume at 8 a.m. with a continental breakfast. The seminar continues throughout the day with 10 breakout sessions taught by experts in their fields. Sessions cover a wide variety of topics relevant to managing businesses associated with art. Featured presentations include Accounting for Artists by Stevie Vogel; Enhancing Creative Flow by Becky Cox; Creating an Inspiring Studio Space by Carol Merrill; Interconnected Art Communities by Rob Wilson; Putting your Resume in DRIVE by Mari Lopez; Develop Personal Style by Jason Bowen; and Facebook Content by Bobbi Wan-kier.
In a session led by Craig Hulet, artists can bring their laptops and learn how to build and maintain their own websites. Another popular option during the breakout sessions is the panel discussion. In these sessions, invited artists who have had successful careers and profound influence on other artists will come together to discuss Creativity and Genius.
Nationally known artist J Kirk Richards will be the lunchtime keynote speaker. Richards is among admirers of contemporary spiritual artwork. A talented musician, author and illustrator, Richards' art graces the covers of many books and magazines. Following lunch, more breakout sessions will be offered before the conference adjourns at 3:30 p.m.
Created in 2009, Business of Art is facilitated by DSU Curator Kathy Cieslewicz. Paul and Susan Bingham, owners of the Maynard Dixon Gallery, serve as honorary founding co-chairs. Additionally, Southwest Applied Technology College, the Kane County Office of Tourism and Kanab City help sponsor the seminar.
Advanced registration for the conference is required. The cost is $20 and covers the Friday night reception and Saturday sessions and lunch. To register or learn more about the Business of Art, visit