Dixie Forum to Kick Off Fall Semester with Lecture on Law and War

Dixie Forum to Kick Off Fall Semester with Lecture on Law and War

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015 Do laws apply to war? Is it possible for the secular and divine to balance each other in the context of conflict? Can a holy warrior be holy and legal at the same time? Is Islam a religion of peace or war? What is Jihad, how can it be legal and is it a struggle to end nationalism? These questions will be discussed Tuesday, Sept. 1, when Dixie State University launches its weekly lecture series "Dixie Forum: A Window on the World" for the fall 2015 semester. The presentation will take place from noon to 12:50 at the Dunford Auditorium in the Browning Resource Center on the DSU campus. Admission is free and the public is encouraged to attend.
Shadman Bashir, a visiting professor of law and international relations at Dixie State University, will present at the first forum of the 2015-16 academic year. He teaches classes in the Political Science and Criminal Justice departments and Business School and serves as an adviser at the BYU Law School's International Center for Law and Religion Studies. A native of the Pakistani tribal region, Bashir has studied and taught English, Islamic and U.S. law. His expertise in law and international affairs includes terrorism and conflicts, South Asian political systems and dynamics, international security, unconventional warfare, humanitarian and aid organizations in South Asia, comparative laws, international human trafficking and slavery, Islamic law, U.S. immigration law, and international constitutional laws. Bashir speaks six languages and multiple dialects. He received a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Edwardes College and a Bachelor of Laws in English and Islamic law from the University of Peshawar, in Peshawar, Pakistan. He then moved to the U.S. and received a Master in Law in comparative law from California Western School of Law in San Diego. Dixie Forum is a weekly lecture series designed to introduce the St. George community and DSU students, faculty and staff to diverse ideas and personalities while widening their worldviews via a 50-minute presentation. Next week, Dixie Forum will team up with DOCUTAH for the premiere of this year's DOCUTAH Filmmakers Seminars series in the Main Stage Theater of the Eccles Center for the Performing Arts on the DSU campus. Set for noon on Sept. 8, the opening day of the international documentary film festival, the seminar will feature filmmakers Dr. Hildegard Elisabeth Keller, whose film "Whatever Comes Next" is entered in DOCUTAH, and Kathleen Clair Lee, a DSU student who entered "The Devil and The Angel" in the festival. For more information on Dixie State University's Dixie Forum series, please contact DSU Forum Coordinator John Burns at 435-879-4712 or burns@utahtech.edu or visit www.utahtech.edu/humanities/dixie_forum.php.