DSU Sears Art Museum Curator Receives 2015 Governor’s Art Leadership Award

DSU Sears Art Museum Curator Receives 2015 Governor’s Art Leadership Award

Wednesday, May 6th, 2015 Dixie State University Sears Art Museum Gallery curator Kathy Cieslewicz has been selected as one of four recipients of the 2015 Governor's Leadership in the Arts Award, which will presented at a special luncheon this Thursday, May 7, as part of the Mountain West Arts Conference in Salt Lake City. The Governor's Leadership in the Arts Awards program sponsored by Utah Governor Gary R. Herbert and the Utah Division of Arts & Museums. Cieslewicz will be presented with the 2015 Individual Leadership in the Arts Award for her tireless advocacy on behalf of Utah artists and in the development and promotion of artists and art community in southern Utah. Her contributions to Utah artists is unmatched as she continues to find ways for them to promote and exhibit their work, as well as seek professional development opportunities for them to advance their careers.
"I am humbled, honored and surprised to have been selected for this award. I think of myself as the "one in the kitchen" and quietly making things happen to help people," Cieslewicz said. "I am very blessed to live an artful life; to work with artists and their art, to teach art, to teach artists, and to create art. I love that my office doors are always open to encourage people and to make a difference in our art community, for our DSU students, and our community members." In addition to curating and coordinating exhibitions in DSU's Sears Art Museum Gallery, Cieslewicz promotes the Dixie Sears Invitational exhibit that commonly features emerging, mid-career and established artists from Utah and the United States. Her dedication to Utah artists is further demonstrated by her commitment to the professional development of visual artists through the annual "Business of Art" conference held in November in Kanab, Utah, of which Kathy serves as founder and director. The Business of Art is a conference for visual artists in all disciplines with a goal of educating and training artists and enhancing economic development in the state of Utah. The Business of Art was established in 2008 and has grown from 95 registrants to 150 in 2014. Every year, artists from across Utah and surrounding regions look forward to this event to hone their professional skills and gain insights from successful artists and business leaders. Cieslewicz also founded "WOW: Women Out West Professional Artists in Utah," through which Utah artists gather to network and create art. "Dixie State University, and all of southern Utah, are proud to have Kathy on our team," said Dr. Jeffery W. Jarvis, DSU Dean of the School of Visual and Performing Arts. "She brings a wealth of experience to our Sears Art Gallery, and an exceptional depth of caring for the people of southern Utah. Her work championing Utah art is beyond measure in its value. She is the personification of a ‘change leader.' I'm personally thankful to have her as an important part of Dixie Cultural Arts." For more information on Utah Governor's Leadership in the Arts awards program, please visit heritage.utah.gov/utah-division-of-arts-museums.